Stop in Nevada (City)

Leaving Park City required an early start. I had to drive west on I-80 through Salt Lake City and across Utah and then Nevada. It’s a beautiful drive, especially in the morning light, but it is a long day on the 4Runner! I was headed to Truckee where I would spend the night and then […]

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A little Crashy this Week

I run a short loop near my home several times each week. It’s a 5-mile loop that takes me into Test Tracks and down the Star Wars trail (a local favorite). I have been riding this a LOT, and I feel confident on the trail. I’ve learned it’s twists and turns. Well, confidence can be […]

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Single Tracks: Durango – Stevens Creek

A long ride down 7 miles of singletrack at Missionary Ridge near Durango, Colorado. This trail starts out smooth and shady, but ends with a loose, rocky downhill that becomes more challenging as the rider descends. Overall, it was a great day and a great ride. The descent was jarring, but it was still lots […]

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